Hon Hai Chairman is all praises for “Steve Jobs”

on Hai’s Chairman and founder – Terry Gou, the owner of Foxconn was all praises for Steve Jobs at a shareholders meeting held in Tapei. Terry Gou is himself a very respected man in Taiwan and his company- Hon Hai is also listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange.        
Apple and Foxconn shared the relationship of a consumer brand and its contract manufacturer. But Terry Gou emphasized that his terms with Apple went beyond that. He also added that they were partners.
He admired Steve Jobs for continuing his work on development and technologies despite his serious illness. Terry Gou added that Jobs dedication has proved that jobs is not merely dong this for money or fame but because he (Jobs) is dedicated to his dreams and ideals. He also added that he or anyone else in place of Steve Jobs would have most probably given up long back.
Terry Gou aslo called Steve Jobs a “wiren”- a chinese term that is rarely used for anyone who is alive. The term means “a legend”.
