iCloud: 10 Things You Need to Know

iCloud, Apple's new synchronization service, sounds too good to be a true: Apple claims it will make your content available to all of your devices by "seamlessly" integrating into your apps. The fact that it's free, taking the spot of the $100/year MobileMe, only sweetens the pot. And of course there's the "one more thing:" For $25/year, iTunes Match will scan your iTunes library, locate your tunes in Apple's 18-million song library, and let you take your songs to go as pitch-perfect, DRM-free versions.
Despite a surprising number of lingering questions, there's plenty of fine print that isn't getting nearly as much attention as Steve's black turtleneck. What features will require Wi-Fi connectivity, as opposed to cellular 3G? What are the data caps and to what features do they apply? And how does Photo Stream work?
Equipped with a re-examined wish list and hands-on experience, we take you through the broad strokes and brush strokes so that you know what to expect—and what not to—from Apple's fall release of iCloud. In the following slideshow, we walk through the ten things you need to know about Apple's fast-approaching iCloud.
Some points are general. (For example, what's happening to MobileMe?) Others are specific. (What version of iTunes will you need to be running?). But once you've clicked through this slideshow, you'll be able to bring this cloud down to earth, knowing what it entails, where its limitations lie, and how you can use it come fall. Click on for the full story and share your thoughts by commenting below.
