network design and deployment mantra

experience from BSNL project

- 1st lavel (engieneer) one team should involved in tech  activity
- 2nd lable like dy manger should have eat and drink relashion ship , so if they say some thing to do out of turn
    basis , customer  will  agree
- 3 lavel : like TPM  , should involve in  execusion  of  operations of respective  departments .
- 4 lable like  CTO/GPM  should make cleaver time  of  proper execution of operations ,  what  we  will  get
   customer  will ful  busy with work and will get less  time to understand about  any excuse ,  and can look towards for any new project

- a trird eye  shoud be monitoired  like  dir/ceo with all relvent person  even up to TPM lavle  , to get  accurate
   status ,  what  will emplyee  will  from this ,  they will feel  much confident and will  work like his own company

my  mantra  , kanhi  bhi  raho apna  kaam  achhe  se  karo


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